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Governor Signs Special Session Bills Targeting Vaccine Mandates

On November 18, 2021, Governor Ron Desantis signed a series of bills limiting COVID-related mandates, public and private, in Florida.

Per the Governor’s office, the following prohibitions are now effective:

Private Employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates are prohibited.

‣ Employees can choose from numerous exemptions, including but not limited to, health or religious concerns; pregnancy or anticipated future pregnancy; and past recovery from COVID-19.

‣ Employees can choose to opt for periodic testing or PPE as an exemption.

‣ Employers must cover the costs of testing and PPE exemptions for employees.

Employers who violate these employee health protections will be fined.

‣ Small businesses (99 employees or less) will face $10,000 per employee violation.

‣ Medium and big businesses will face $50,000 per employee violation.

Government entities may not require COVID-19 vaccinations of anyone, including employees.

Links to the full version of each bill and summaries prepared by legislative staff are below.