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Event: Glover Speaks to National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Firm founder and former state regulator Tony Glover hit the road to address the members of NABCA — regulators in control jurisdictions that directly control the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol within their borders. More information on the association can be found here.

Impact of Descheduling Cannabis

The introduction of draft legislation by Democratic leadership inserted a new dynamic into the federal debate on legalization. By highlighting the integral role states’ have played, the already pervasive comparisons between alcohol and cannabis regulatory frameworks have come further into focus. However, federalism necessarily creates tension between the two—begging significant legal questions ranging from preemption of state laws to limitations inherent to dormant Commerce Clause jurisprudence. In this session, attorneys and regulators will discuss legal and regulatory considerations which are likely to have significant impacts on the operations of legal cannabis markets.

Moderator: Buddy Buckner, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association

Presenters: Tony Glover, Glover Law + Christopher Riano, Holland & Knight

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